marjani headshot

Hi, I’m Marjani.

UX designer, facilitator, & trekkie 🖖🏾

I use empathy and innovative thinking to solve challenging problems. I grew up reading medical journals and painting portraits, and I’m always looking for connections in seemingly unconnected things. And I’m a serial hobbyist constantly teaching myself new skills.

I find purpose in design because brainstorming, innovating processes, and problem-solving are the skills needed to survive an alien/zombie apocalypse—so I graduated from Designation to excel at them. I think of diversity and inclusion as action verbs, and I’m happiest when uncovering the root causes of people’s issues and desires. I’m excited to use my skills as a designer and expert in creating safe-spaces to have challenging, authentic and meaningful conversations that lead to powerful design solutions for users and clients.

check out my résumé

Let's chat about:

Neuro-diversity at work
The evolutionary roots of ADHD
The effects of English creoles and dialects on designing for voice recognition
Using UX in women’s health and fertility
Learning Spanish and Mandarin Chinese